Saturday, March 29, 2008

Transitions in life

I just can't believe how fast things are going on. I'll be finishing my diploma and entering a new phase, that is uni life. Firstly things happening this year for me is:
I would be going overseas
Secondly turning 20 this year which means that I am an adult so I must be independant and a more responsible person
Thirdly there would be challenges that I have to face and overcome
Fourthly must prepare myself for the working world as time flies
The fifth is get ready for what is ahead of me
Sixth I just one the person whom I love come back to me
Seventh remember sometimes in life things don't seem so easy
and lastly I will always cherish moments and have a lasting friendship with everyone out there who knows me.
In conclusion life is about growing up, so be prepared for unexpected events.


Kah Yin said...

hey there, dont know whether u remember me, but hope ure doing well there. :)

Ming Ming said...

Hello. at last u got yourself a blog. (:

prasana@poel said...

hey cool u got a blog ! welcome to the world of blogging...

P.s.Life is like a roller coaster full of up's and down's so we just have to hang on tight and enjoy the ride... I know its hard..but I believe u can overcome anything steph! go kick butt k! hahhaha..and hope u come over to aussie land soon, I am sure u'll have fun here after the initial getting used to it stages! hahaha

Steph said...

Hi pras.Thanks for having confidence in me.I really lack in that